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Join the Nutrition Mechanic for a

We start Sept 9, 2024

Are you a woman 35 and older and:

  • Wondering how much daily protein you really need and the best times to consume it?
  • Struggling to realistically incorporate  the protein you need into your day?
  • Battling with poor energy levels, sugar cravings, or frequent illness or injury?
  • Unsure which protein sources better align with your health or performance goals?
  • Curious if protein powders, amino acid, and collagen supplements are worth it?
  • Searching for protein-rich meal and snack ideas that fit your busy lifestyle?
  • Noticing changes in body fat distribution as you go through menopause?
  • Needing a focused jumpstart to prioritize protein in your life? 
If you relate to any of these, the 7-Day Protein Challenge is for you.


You will be on your way to optimizing your protein intake to improve energy levels, manage cravings, support body recomposition, prevent injury, and enhance metabolic health.

👉🏼 Register Now

This 7-day challenge will empower you with the tools and knowledge to:

  • Improve your energy levels. No more rollercoaster up and down!
  • Manage cravings and the 3pm slump. You have control and are able to better curb sugar & caffeine cravings. 
  • Determine your own daily protein needs, with confidence in sources, and how and when to eat protein
  • Support body composition no matter whether you are navigating menopause-related body fat changes or wanting to build muscle.
  • Better prevent injuries, illnesses, and age-related falls. Strengthen your body's resilience level.
  • Recover from workouts and training appropriate for women's physiology. You adapt to your exercise stimulus more efficiently to become fitter and stronger.
  • Enhance your metabolic health contributing to overall wellbeing and reduced disease risk.

Meet your Protein Challenge Coach

Dina Griffin is passionate about women’s health and supporting active and athletic women to reach new heights. She also has a passion for helping women thrive through their “masters years” by developing personalized nutrition plans that account for the natural process of aging and menopause, while considering the needs and goals of the individual. As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Board Certified Sport Dietitian, Dina has over 16 years experience in private nutrition coaching. She works carefully to understand each client’s goals, challenges, and unique self to take them to their next level of better living. In some circles, she is otherwise known as the Protein Queen. 

The 7-Day Protein Challenge features:

  • Daily expert guidance, delivered to you by email each morning, for how to improve your protein intake to align with the specific needs of women 35 and older.
  • Downloadable worksheets (in PDF format) with protein guidance and strategies you can implement immediately.
  • Protein-rich meal and snack ideas that you can easily modify to your needs and preferences.
  • Q&A towards the end of Challenge so you can get your burning questions answered.
  • An accountability checklist to use during the Challenge to ensure you make progress towards fine-tuning your protein patterns.
  • Opportunity to win a prize for completion of Challenge tasks. Be forewarned, the prize may have something to do with protein.😅

Register Now for the 7-Day Protein Challenge


We begin on September 9th, 2024. You will receive daily emails (with some video recordings and reference documents) to support your learning and implementation. 

Let's Do This!

Got questions? Check out the FAQ above!